Session script

I have had quite a few friends ask me more technical questions about some of the devices i use during my videos. So i will start to post all the details here for anyone who would like to try and make something themselves.
Firstly here is the script i used for machine fuck and double electro cum. This script is fed to the fuck machine and an estim 2b electrostim box. Each line has the format time<secs> command<M/L/A/B/C/D/F> value<0to100>
M=mode , L=lower power , A/B=channel a,b power , C/D=pulserate/pulsefeel, F=fuck mc speed
will post a commented version on next post.
0.2 M0
0.2 L
0.2 A0
0.2 B0
0.2 C50
0.2 D50
29.2 F5
10.2 F0
0.2 M13
0.2 C95
0.5 F1
29.23 A20
5.2 F0
10.2 F1
14.71 A10
14.71 A20
10.2 F0
5.2 F2
29.18 A25
5.2 F0
6.2 F3
29.19 A30
5.2 F0
5.2 F3
29.2 A35
5.2 F0
5.2 F4
29.5 A40
5.2 F0
5.2 F2
29.64 A45
5.2 F0
5.2 F3
29.19 A50
10.2 F0
5.2 F4
29.03 A55
5.2 F0
5.2 F1
29.19 A60
5.2 F0
5.2 F2
29.16 A65
5.2 F0
5.2 F3
29.19 A70
5.2 F0
5.2 F4
29.50 A60
5.2 F0
5.2 F2
29.50 A65
5.2 F0
5.2 F3
29.50 A70
5.2 F0
5.2 F4
29.50 A80
5.2 F0
5.2 F1
29.50 A90
5.2 F0
0.2 B10
5.2 F1
29.50 A60
0.2 B15
5.2 F0
5.2 F2
29.50 A60
0.2 B20
5.2 F0
5.2 F3
0.2 B25
29.50 A70
5.2 F0
5.2 F4
0.2 B30
29.50 A80
5.2 F0
5.2 F2
0.2 B40
29.50 A85
5.2 F0
5.2 F3
0.2 B0
29.50 A60
5.2 F0
5.2 F1
29.50 A60
5.2 F2
0.2 B25
29.50 A70
5.2 F3
29.50 A80
0.2 B30
5.2 F3
29.50 A85
5.2 F0
0.2 B0
29.50 A0
8.87 K
Veröffentlicht von sluttymaidnicole
vor 4 Jahren
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