One of the great things about the rise of internet porn is that we get entire pages devoted to older guys, (and women too of course.) Suits me fine as I have always appreciated the delights of sex with men much older than me.
My home town has always been a center of gay activity and has a huge population of retired guys keen on fun with younger men. Now some might think of that as a bit sleazy, but personally, from the first time a guy old enough to be my grandfather took me to bed and showed me a world of new possibilities, I've been hooked on elderly cock.

I'd fooled around with lads my own age of course. Ever since realising that I was more or less permanently horny and entirely bisexual I'd been taking every opportunity I could get to enjoy whatever came my way. But in those pre-internet days it's amazing how little young guys like me knew about the intricacies of sex. Older guys however had been around a bit and learned a trick or two.

The first time I was properly seduced by an old guy was absolutely amazing. I had a job delivering household appliances back when I was twenty or so and every now and again we'd deliver some huge piece of machinery to the house of an elegant fellow who was clearly very gay indeed. To begin with, I was far too shy and inexperienced to make any sort of first move, but luckily one customer was sufficiently impressed by my towering height, broad shoulders, pale skin and long flowing auburn hair to come right out and say it. My boss had gone back out to the van and I was in this guy's kitchen, wiring a plug or something when he simply stood beside me and told me what a beautiful boy I was and that he'd like nothing better than to make love to me.

The guy had some nerve I had to admit. Making a suggestion like that to a young lad big enough to have carried a washing machine up three flights of stairs could have gone very, very wrong for him. But he clearly knew what he was doing and spotted me as the kind of boy that would respond favourably. The moment I nodded and said I was keen, he quickly jotted down his phone number on a scrap of paper and handed it to me, telling me to call him if I wanted to come round again and visit.

I called him that very night and so began a relationship that was to last until I left for university a year or so later.

Now I admit that to begin with, his lined face and slightly sagging flesh was unappealing. But my youthful horniness drove me on and once we'd fallen into bed, then into his large bath tub and across an assortment of soft furnishings, I had entirely got over my initial dismay at the ravages of time on my new lover's face and body and was actually getting super turned on by it. It's a feeling that has remained all my life, even now that I myself am an old guy. I still make a point of seeking out older men and having hot sex with them.

Like I say, there was so much I didn't KNOW back then and lads my age didn't know most of it either. So it was an older guy that first showed me how to anal douche properly, how to suck cock like an expert, how to relax my butt to make fucking not only bearable but actively enjoyable. An older man first suggested that I try dressing in women's clothing, and it was an older man who first knelt down in front of me in the bathroom and shyly asked me to urinate in his mouth.

So yes, it's no wonder I love older guys so much.
Veröffentlicht von KiwiCD56
vor 3 Jahren
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I'd love to know your routine of anal douching. xxx