Patricia the Wand and Me Chapter One

This is a story of my Patricia please enjoy and leave a comment if you do. I got to know Patricia on her xHamster address where I becme very effectionate towards her the photos drew me in and now I cant get her out of my mind I feel that I am now in love with her. I am sure she gets that reaction from all that go to her site. You should go and see for yourself friends. You will find her the most friendly and sexy woman I know when we chat I have cum over her pics many times,
Go try yourself click on: you will find her profile in the following story
you will see how delicious she is I really feel in love with her now and why she has become the main part of this magical story, I hope you enjoy Chapter One.

The Story Begins: My Name is John and I dedicate this story to my Patricia.

It was Chinese New Year in Sydney and the city was alight with celebrations people were in the streets dancing and enjoying, there was glitter, bright flashing lights and wouldn’t be Chinese New Year without Crackers there were thousands of them then the giant Chinese dragon in the march were fantastic. Everybody was having so much fun including me, my name is John I decided to have some fun here in china town, the Chinese know how to have a good time at this time of year, young or old doesn’t matter everybody was happy drinking, eating and dancing. It was Chinese New Year.
I was with a couple of my friends but lost them somewhere during the night but I didn’t mind I was having a great time, watching the outfits and parade they had a huge Chinese Dragon this year magnificent, as the night went on I was thinking about making my way home, as I crossed the road, I noticed an elderly chinese man with a walking stick waiting to cross, so many bikes and cars he looked a bit worried about stepping out.
I asked him to let me assist him, I think he nodded yes so I held his arm and we crossed to the other side, he looked at me and nodded his head again, never said a word just nodded, I turned to walk away when suddenly an idiot on a small motor bike sped past me almost hitting me I yelled and turned to see he never missed the old man the idiot knocked him over, sending him crashing to the ground, I ran to him still yelling at the idiot but he was laughing and drove off. I sat the old man up and sat beside him on the ground my arm around him.
“Are you ok? old man” I asked, several times with no answer.
I was thinking maybe he was deaf, his eyes were open and seemed not to be concussed so I didn’t think an ambulance was necessary, I sat with him for a while till I managed to get him to his feet, looking for his walking stick I saw it was broken, so I had to help him home.
“Where do you live ole mate, I will help you get home”
He seemed to understand and pointed to an alley between two restaurants he was so tiny I picked him up and carried him down the alley to the door he pointed to. He had a key for it which was a old-fashioned style key but then so was the door. I opened it for him and asked if he would be okay now and turned to walk away but he grabbed my arm and beckoned me inside.
The door closed itself strange to say the least, I picked him up gain as he directed me through a maze of corridors to another door, it opened by itself as though it knew he was there.
“What the Heck!!” I said
I carried him inside and once again the door closed by itself, this was getting a little spooky now. Then he suddenly stood up walking around like nothing was wrong.
“How did you do that? You couldn’t walk outside but here you can Why, How?”
Still no answer, he just beckoned me to sit
He made a chinese tea and offered me a small cup, I was a bit thirsty, so I took a sip. then rubbing my arm, I found that the idiot on the scooter had left a nasty bruise on my forearm.
The old china man saw that and came to me with a cloth in which he poured a little of the tea then laid it on my arm over the bruise. He held it there for a minute or so then took it off, what I saw was amazing, the bruise was completely gone and so was any soreness.
“what the?? Whats going on ole man, how did you do that” I was gobsmacked.
He beckoned me to sit down in his old sofa next to him and finally he spoke, his English was not good, but I could get what he was saying.
“Your name is Yuēhàn”
I corrected him telling him my name was john.
“No that is not your name, your name is Yuēhàn you can pronounce it jän, that shall be your name to me”
“Okay then what is your name ole mate?”
“Its Shui Ji, it is meaning ‘From the Water’, where I shall return one day”
“Okay I shall call you ‘Shoes’ or I might call you ‘Boots’ ha ha”
“If that is your wish so shall it be”
He spoke for a while telling me things about the chinese dynasty and the ancient history of china, he spoke of powers. magical powers. I was not really that interested but he was enjoying himself and loved the company I thought.
“Well Old Shoe. I better get going now it’s pretty late and I will have trouble getting home, there will be no taxis around now” I started to get up and he yelled.
“Yuēhàn!!,,,,Wait don’t go yet…I have to give you something, its most important”
He led me to a chinese cupboard unlicked and opened it, there was an old looking chest, which he picked
up and brought to the table.
“Whats that Shui? I asked. It looks very old.
“Yes, it is and its been waiting for you Yuēhàn for many, many years I have been its keeper after it was handed to me from its last master who got it from his masters a thousand years or more”
“Wow, better not break it then, whats inside the box Shui?” I said smiling and going along with his story.
“Soon it will be clear my young friend just a little patience”
He used another key to unlock it saying.
“You might want to step back a little Yuēhàn”
I did as he said and watched him lift the lid slowly, then to my amazement a light emanated from inside the box, Now that got my interest.
“How the hell” I said.
He opened it fully suddenly the whole room was lit up brighter than any light I have known before.
“Woow!!! Where did that light come from and how?”
“Come closer Yuēhàn take my hand I was so mesmerised I held his hand moving closer
“Look into the box son tell me what you see?”
“Its so bright I can’t make anything out old man. What should I see?” I said
“First the box is looking at you” he replied.
I was about to pull away when suddenly the light stopped, and the room was almost dark again but there in the box was a silver straight looking handle I think it was anyway.
“What the hell is that” I asked
“You have to place your hand on it and hold my hand with your other” he said
“Oh well what the heck” I thought, in for a penny in for a pound, I did as he said.
I placed my hand on the handle or whatever it was and grabbed the old mans hand, suddenly I felt a slight tremor run through me, the old man’s eyes were lit up as he stared at me. I was rigid could not move for some time, whatever it was it wasn’t hurting in fact very pleasant, then as quick as it came, it was gone. The old man fell back into his chair exhausted.
“It’s done, Finally…. Now it is yours Yuēhàn “
“Whats mine? Whats going on ole man?”
“You are now the Master of the Wand and therefore Master of the WU. it is a sacred wand which has been passed down over thousands of years, Master to Master as it was mine, now Yuēhàn it is yours, you are its new Master”
I looked at the wand in my hand saying.
“what is the use of a pretty handle, what can it do” I said sarcastically. Looking closer at it now, its was made of while bone with encrusted little crystals, very pretty.
“Anything you wish” he said
“Anything “
“Yes, whatever you want, it must obey you while you have it in your power, Here Mater let me show you, Are you hungry?”

“Hungry! Yes but why think of that now?”
“point it at the table and ask for KFC burger. Go on try it”
I laughed and said. “Ok old man, old man Okay I will play your game”
Then gripping the wand tightly in my hand, I pointed it at the table like I was a stage magician and said.
“I …..waaaant …….a KFC …….Buuuurger” trying not to laugh.
Suddenly in a second it appeared on the table…….. The burger I asked for.
“OMG….How can that be…..IT CANT….. it’s a trick old man isn’t it, you mentioned a KFC Burger, so you must have had it set for that trick ha ha ha, you nearly had me there”
“It is not a trick my son, wish for something else of your own” He said.
“Okay then try this ole man, I want one hundred dollars in ten-dollar notes”
I had no longer said the words and there they were, ten-dollar notes. 100 of them.
OMG….OMG…It cant be real…OMG ….Old man …Can it…..CAN IT?”
I was trembling my whole body was shaking as I stared at the old man then the money and the burger.
“Now son sit down and eat your burger while I try to explain the reason you are now its master”
I needed no body to tell me I needed a seat, I sat and took a bite out of the KFC Burger, it was beautiful and the real deal and bloody hot. I into it and admit it was great, when I finished the Mr Shui began telling me his story.

“A long, long time ago in ancient China around 221 BC there was an ancient river goddess Known as the lady of the Xiang she was chinese wizard named Wu a shaman wizard, she had many powers, she could change into birds or insects, become invisible she also possessed an insatiable want for sex and men, she later changed her chinese name to 帕特里夏 or Pà tè lǐ xià In English its better pronounced as Patricia . she was not the most beautiful woman she once was she was once a witch known as The Devil Woman, later changed her looks using the power of the wand so then she could atract more men to her lair bearing gifts and gold to bed her. Men would come up at the temple to have sex with her. what they didn’t know was, after the sex they were never seen again, unless she wanted them to, those men she kept she put in her own harem of men and women, she was never without a man or woman to serve her. She openly boasted of huge cocks she had but wanted more and more.
Her power was a wand that was given to her by one of the ancients. her first use of the wand was to make him disappear. As soon as she had sex with him, She wanted to change again and again and she did into what she thought more up to date with the times but it wasn’t too successful, Hundreds of years passed. Ancient China faded
into history, the stories of wizards and witches of their time all gone and considered to be just myths.
Then about five hundred years ago on the mountain of the Great Wu a party of peasants hiding from the soldiers hid in a cave as they escaped, while there they found a small pool of water deep in the cave to drink from, it was pure and pristine a young chinese farmer with them was mesmerised by the clear water and stared into it, as he did he saw a box deep in the pool, when he opened it he saw what looked like the handle of a knife with no blade it shone a bright light. He kept the find to himself, when they got down from the mountain back to their village, he needed to sell it to get food for his family, so he sold it to an old man in the markets.
When the old man opened it he knew what it was and was terrified of it so he handed it over to the priests they knew it had to be guarded and kept safe, so many years passed and those priests handed it down to the next before they died. Eventually it ended up in an old china shop where Master Shui ji bought it and has had it for 60 years looking for someone the wand will recognise and want for its new Master.

Yuēhàn that’s why the wand works for you, but you must be careful let no one know of its power or who it can bring back”
“First of all please call me by my English name its John okay Shui now tell me, Bring back who? who can it bring back?”
He hesitated and said ..“Her…..It can bring back Pà tè lǐ xià…..Patricia in your language, she will destroy you John and the wand will be lost, she can go back in time and change everything with it and her power. John while it has now accepted you as its master she can’t use it she can only possess it if you, give it to her freely”
“But I can bring her back and she can’t harm anyone can she, I can send her back when I want right? and bring her back again can’t I and she has to obey me right”
“Yes, you can, and you are right, but she will not look like women of this time, she will have aged somewhat while in exile”
“With the wand in your hand you need only to call for her or anyone and they will come, but be aware she will have some powers but none that can harm you while you are the master of the Wand”
“Can I decide what she looks like?”
“Yes you can bring her back as anyone you wish but always beware because she doesn’t look like a witch she will still have powers of her own John also you cannot change her name”.
“Well old man I have to go now and thanks for the Wand, By the way I have no intention of changing her name I have a Patricia in mind that I would love to have beside me and under me ha ha. I will have some fun you bet ya, I will look in again every now and then to see if you are okay or need anything, by the way, I have just stocked your fridge and some of that chinese drink you like don’t get too pissed ha ha ha” I said as I walked out of his little room into along the hallways and out into the laneway, When I got to the main street I remembered I had more questions I had not asked yet, so I went back down the lane but I couldn’t find his room it was not there, I thought this is crazy I know where it was, the last room in the lane but there are only garbage bins now, the old man was gone and so was his room,

My first thought was I had been dreaming or still a bit drunk, I realised then I had my man bag still strapped over my shoulder, looked inside and there it was, the little box, it was not a dream. I needed to get home quick. So, I reached into the bag flipped the lid of the box open, with my hand on the wand I wished to be home in my unit and ZAP just like that I was standing in my own kitchen Wooo-Weee. Good shit, How good is this.
I had to sit down and work all this out I need to take my time over this wand. I poured myself a beer from the fridge and collapsed in the armchair in my lounge, the box right beside me. I must have dozed off because it was now late night when I went to sleep it was early afternoon. I still felt drowsy, so I had a shower, the evening was quite warm and living alone, I rarely wear clothes around my unit. I sat in my lounge chair naked with a cup of coffee wondering what to do with myself.
“Oh shit! I forgot I have a magic wand, the old man said I can do anything I want, so why not have some fun, I know I will call the sorcerer of sex herself, Patricia”
So I made myself ready for her I put on my smelly man’s perfume. Then held out the Wand. Then I thought what the old man had said about her if she looks wrinkly and ugly by now, So I had a plan.
There is a beautiful girl I have been looking at in the Porn website xHamster, she is gorgeous but not real for me. So I will make her the new Wu of the mountain and her name shall be Patricia, I commanded that and started the call.
“John the Master of the wand, Commands the goddess Patricia in the image of my love Patricia in the xHamster program to appear before me” …….I waited but nothing happened.

“That old man was having me on the old bastard where is my Goddess of sex you old bugger?” I yelled. Then.
“I am right behind you Master, you had the wand back to front, who are you anyway and where is master Shui”
“Oh shit!!” I yelled. My God!! then it’s true, the wand does work, then you must be Patricia the Goddess of sex, well the old fella was right you are indeed real and so sexy in that outfit you nearly have on”
“I have been messaging you back and forth, checking out all your photos and even wanked over many of them….and now here you are Patricia at last my dream is coming true, do you remember me from xHamster Patricia OMG I cant believe it, are you really here now for real sweetheart….and for me!!”

my eyes were almost popping out of my head. Her breasts were magnificent and firm nipples clearly visible and your body, the perfect shape. Just as you are on xHamster
“The old man made me the new Master of the Wand then somehow he disappeared”

“He has been searching for you a long time Master John, now you are my master I am completely under your control” she said bowing her head.
You should look in the mirror dear I already did that look at yourself.
“OMG I look beautiful” she said adding “Oh….Master I could have come back as a horrible wicked witch instead you made me lovely”.
And there she was in front of me was the most delicious looking woman I have ever seen in real life, dressed in a reddish satin top with a wide open neck showing much of her breasts it was tied at the front in a knot her middle was bare and she had skimpy dark pair of knickers, her legs like the rest of her body were magnificent, she was truly a sex goddess now and finally….finally…Patricia…was mine at last. I am surely in heaven. No longer will I have to look at pictures of her on xHamster…Now she is real and all mine at last ….oh at last.
“My god you are lovely my dear, just divine look in the mirror to see for yourself”
I flashed the wand and a huge full-length mirror appeared she stood looking at herself for a few minutes.
“You have made be beautiful Master, how can I repay you?”
“Oh don’t you worry about that baby….. I will think of something He he he”
I stood staring she was indeed beautiful. I had my old camera handy, so I took a snap of her as she moved her body in provocative ways for me. My god! it was Patricia here with me and not with her BigBill I was getting aroused, my cock throbbing now.
“Your hubby had a camera to make you look good and he did a good job darling but I have the Wand, I can make you any woman you want to be in the world baby girl. But please stay as you are darling I have loved you a long time in this image sweet baby, tell me darling do you have the memories of your time in xHamster.
“Yes I do and I know you love me John, I know you wanked yourself off many times for me John, Oh I should call you Master now. I know you must be waiting to fuck me for real now, Are you then please tell me your wish right now Master” adding “What can I do for you Master”
I was shaking, never been a Master before and without even thinking, I blurted out.
“I have dreamed of fucking you so reappear before me, naked legs wide open, just need to get my first one done with then I can settle down to what is happening”
“As you wish Master It has been over hundred years since my last intercourse but it will be my pleasure to pleasure you”
Then in a flash there she was my darling Patricia, laid out before me naked, her lovely legs spread wide inviting me. Rubbing her pussy getting it ready for me.
“Oh my god, where do I start?” I said my voice trembling. My Goddess, Patricia get up
on my kitchen table and kept those gorgeous legs wide open for your Master.
she climbed up.
“whatever you want Master, Patricia will do all for you”
as she laid back on the table that wonderful perfect body sitting on her legs wide exposing the pinkness inside, Her breasts were gorgeous so firm and all on my kitchen table OMG.
“You do know Master you can make love to me anywhere in the world if you wish you have the wand” she said.
“I am in kind a hurry right now baby, I need to have you now…RIGHT NOW”.
“Your tits are lovely Look at your nipples look how they stand out OMG. I will start with them.” I said
a smile all over my face as I sucked on her nipples first the left then the right after a few minutes getting one nipple to firm I switched to the other breast and sucked on it, I was like a k** with a new toy she was magnificent heaving her body up and down as I slurped and sucked those gorgeous breasts.
“Oh Patricia you are truly a goddess of sex, these nipples are the nipples from heaven I love them. Look how hard they are now baby, they look like little penis’s standing almost erect and begging me to suck them”
And suck them I did just delicious.
I undid the knot on her red top let it slide off her to fully expose those glorious breasts now she is real for me, a perfect woman and she is my Patricia from now on, my very own goddess, surely this is heaven.
This is not on xHamster this is in my very own kitchen and Patricia is spread out on my table willing to do whatever I want, surely this is not just a wand, it’s a doorway to heaven.
I remember writing chats back to her on Hamster after wanking over her and telling her I loved her, Oh I know its not real but look at me ….LOOK AT ME!. She always replied that she loves me back and wanted everything I wanted. That she loves me very, very much and MORE!

A little note to you readers go on to her site, she is worth it I promise. Patricia will do all she can to make you happy go to: Send a message to her tell her Master John sent you.

I continued sucking her gorgeous breasts for a few minutes, my hands taking over now caressing them, kneading them together, squeezing them up and down flicking them with my tongue but my mouth was hungry for more of Patricia, my mouth started to wonder all over her beautiful perfect body, licking and kissing her everywhere…from her toes along those beautiful legs her thighs back up the body to her face then I tongued her for the first time. OMG How good is this I yelled as I moved back down to her navel and kissing her as I went down further, my hand was already there making her hot pussy nice and wet for me I paused looking up her body to her face.
“Patricia my goddess, this is a dream I have dreamed all my life to find the perfect woman and you my darling Patricia are here now at last and this is for real, no longer a dream I am having, I can smell you darling hhhmmm. I want to kiss you and suck you all over baby girl OMG….If this is a dream please don’t ever wake me up?”
“You are my master I am Patricia your goddess I have to do whatever you want, whatever you wish Master”.
“Oh yes haven’t got used to that yet. Well let me open the lips of that delicious looking pussy, I want to see your pinkness……inside….OH MY GOD! Patricia it looks beautiful like a painting, let me suck it, let my tongue be the brush that is painting this wonderful pussy of yours my mouth will supply all the juices for the lubrication my darling as I slide my mouth and tongue up and down your tasty pussy up and down, up and down Oh my god,…. So sweet to taste, I stick my tongue in as far as I can to reach and lick the inside walls of her delicious pink pussy my tongue is scooping out some of her precum….
“Hmmmm Patricia your cunt tastes so lovely. I want this to be your first cum with me in the 21st Century sweetheart, work with me Patsy cum in my mouth as hard as you can I want it all” I said sweating now.
“Careful what you wish for master, else I can drown you in it”
“Oh shit yeah, okay cum well for me darling enough for me to taste and enjoy…do not drown me Goddess”
Your pushing your hips up at my face as I sucked hard Hmmmm, soon darling I can feel tour pussy starting to boil baby as I suck your juicy pussy you can cum for me Patricia now darling Cum for me Patsy come for your Master”.

“What is a Lollypop? Master”
“Don’t worry k**do” I replied still puffing.
I laid beside her caressing her body slowly and gently, the palms of my hand barely touching the skin as they roam over her sexy hot body.
“Oooo……. Master that feels so nice, most men from my ancient life just want to jump on fuck me like an a****l and get off, often there is no pleasure for the woman, but you, you make me feel like you really want me as a woman not just a toy. Thank you for that Master”
“Your Welcome my dear Patricia, I am getting a little older there days well, a lot older my health isn’t as it used to be I have problems breathing sometimes, can my magic help me?”
“You have the power Master to be young as you want” Patricia said.
“Yeah that’s right dear and I could make a couple of changes to, couldn’t I?”
“Yes Master John, any change you like”
“Well let’s see now…..first I want to be the fittest man in the world” then I waved the wand.
Seconds later I felt a slight shiver go through my body. Muscles stiffening, my stomach tightening my chest firm and hard, even my face tightened, clear white teeth looked. many old scars gone, my knees were renewed, and the old aches and pains were gone, I felt fantastic.
“What happened Patsy, I feel great” “Look in the mirror Master John, you look magnificent”
She was right I looked so much younger and felt fit as a woolly bull and horny as one WOW, I love this Wand.
I had the body of a young man again and my cock WOOOW! Look at my cock its huge, its longer and thicker and feels so hard oh my god I love It, “Look Patricia at your Master’s new body and his magnificent prick”
“I suppose now you will be looking for other women and not me, what will happen to me? Master I am any woman you want, I have power myself to change into any man or woman you want me to be”
“Hey Patricia…cut it out darling, you are the best woman I have ever met why in hell would I change or get rid of you my darling Patricia…..I LOVE YOU PATRICIA so don’t you ever worry about that okay my sweet, sweet, chinese American sweet heart, as they say in the movies “You are the One”
“What is Movies Master, and tell me also what is Chinese American am I not chinese?”
“Because when I commanded you to come to me, I did that. I have been online on xHamster where I found and connected to a beautiful girl…her name of course is Patricia. So here you are my darling Patricia from xHamster you are now part of my real life and in my home under my protection darling…as I said baby girl I love you and want you, many nights I lay in bed dreaming of you hoping when I wake you will be here, Well my sexy lady you are here in my home. and gorgeous right now”
Still naked we made it to my bedroom and both crashed. I on my back with my beloved Patricia lying against me with her head on my shoulder. I had one leg over her and my left hand kneading her breasts softly as we both went to sleep. Tomorrow is another day with my Goddess Patricia.
We slept well that night and woke fully refreshed next morning she was already up working in the kitchen.
I went out to her, she had changed her clothes to a slinky white thin dress looped around her neck down the front of her body just covering her pussy……My god she looked magnificent, my cock throbbed as it got aroused yet again over this beautiful delicious woman I know as Patricia. I swear I had pre cum already dripping from my cock.
“Patricia last night….. No the whole day was the best ever. I became a Master, I have the Wand and the best of all I have you my precious darling. How lucky I am I adore you darling, I will never let you go” adding.
“I want to make love to you forever baby you are so lovely I get horny just looking at you. You let me eat your pussy last night I reckon today it’s your turn Patricia, the girl I turned into a Goddess. will you suck my brand penis later, I need you to baby and don’t change to another woman, its you I want patsy girl just you Patricia ok.”
My darling gave me a massive kiss tongue and all.
“My wand is good, but I want you to love me like your promised in xHamster without magic, Can you Patricia…. Can you Love me?”
I had tears in my eyes and she saw that, leaning over me she kissed me.
“Oh Master, Don’t cry darling I am the Patricia that you loved in xHamster and I will love you forever”
By the time I stopped talking she had my pants down and my shirt off and left me standing in my undies. I went to take them down she said.
“No Master let me do that for you, you just lean back against the table and look sexy for me ha ha ha”
Who am to argue, she came close face to face with me our noses touching each other’s, eye to eye, then smiling she kissed me hard, her mouth opening to use her tongue, oh fuck it was my kind of kiss, gets me horny every time, as we kissed her hand went down and was massaging my cock, it was getting harder by the second, we kissed for a while nibbling each other’s tongues, just wonderful.
Patricia was breathing a little harder now as she rubbed my prick, I cuddled her close now I wanted to feel her warmth, body to body as I slipped her white almost off her and let it fall to the floor. My hands caressing her body running up an down her back, then to her delicious arse, My God what a sexy arse you have Patricia, I grabbed a cheek in each hand and pull her body hard against me, my cock now hard as a rock pressing into her. She moaned with delight whispering “Master….oh my….Master John…I want you so bad, please fuck me….please” she was pleading me. “Please let me be the first you fuck with that gorgeous thick how cock, Oh darling I want you so bad right now…FUCK ME….MASTER PLEASE…FUCK MY HARD!!!!”
“I will baby I feel as though our bodies are one. hmmm”
She was getting impatient now she wanted my cock so bad, she pushed me away, so she could drop to her knees then taking my now hot prick into her lovely mouth. I waved my wand to get several mirrors positioned around so I could watch all she did.
She lifted her head and opened her mouth to show me there was none it was all down her delicious throat, she had taken it all for me.
“Did you enjoy that Master, Did your Patsy do well for you” she said with a lovely little grin.
“No one I ever knew in my life could do it better darling you are the queen of suck too ha ha”
“But Master I was so looking forward to your big cock inside me, now you have cum when will you fuck me?”
“Darling I have the wand, I can cum as many times as I want now, Master will sink his thick new cock right up, lets see how far I can get it into you baby, now get onto your knees baby, Master wants a doggie ”
Patricia was in position quickly and panting hard waiting for me.
I pushed hard trying to get my whole cock into her until my balls were against arse, then out and back slowly at first as she moaned with pleasure with each thrust inwards.
“Look baby girl….look in the mirror, can you see your pussy sucking my him as he fucks you…Oh my darling its tight oh so tight….I love it. I said.
Then I got into a faster speed, my balls bouncing against her arse with every plunge, as I sunk my cock as deep as I could into her hot and wet pussy but my cock is so big now it wouldn’t go all the way but I was still about to unload my juice.
Just then I felt my cum pushing its way up my shaft.
I collapsed on top of her now and we stuck together with our sweat delicious.
“Was that good baby? Did the Master do well for you?” I panted.
“Roll over for me Master make him hard again for me please…I so want him to cum in my mouth right now master please, please,” she pleaded. As she rolled me on to my back,
My cock was down now and having a well-earned rest I will have to use the wand to make him hard again for my darling to eat and she deserves it.
So I wished it and my cock suddenly stood tall and wow how big he looked Patricia was on him like a flash and grabbed it.
“Oh Master look in the mirror darling can you see me holding your lovely big juicy cock?”
“Oh my God!! …… He looks enormous darling can you take it?”
But she was already chewing on it and running her tongue up and down its shaft. I was definitely in heaven now I reckon watching the girl I love sucking on my now huge cock.
Patricia smiled at me as I watched her work in the mirror on my now enormous cock but she was enjoying every inch of it this was my woman now my Patricia showing her skills, she was indeed a Wizard with a cock she had my rolling my head in ecstasy with each rub up and down that shaft then into her mouth again and again, every now and then she looked at me and smiled as she worked. I was totally in love with her now.
“Let me know when you want to cum Master and I will make it so for you” she said some of my pre-cum on her lips”
“You go girl make me cum heaps for you I want to cum all over you darling”
She worked harder now her hands up and down my cock flicking her tongue on its tip as she went, my cock began to swell and it got hotter as she rubbed, then from deep in my gut I felt my juice begin to boil itself up the shaft and suddenly burst out like a volcano.
when I had finished puming every drop out I looked at my Patricia and she had my cum all over her tits, shoulders, face, and hair, I smiled I have never seen so much cum in my life and never enjoyed as much Patricia is magnificent and the very best.
Please leave a comment thank you. and watch for chapter Two.

My dreams of this wonderful xHamster girl Patricia came true at last. You can meet her to if you like go on: Remember to tell her that (Master John) sent you she will know who you mean.

Look for another chapter to this delicious story of Chinese history witches and goddess’ of sex and love and watch for the fun we have with the Wand as we travlel on our journey also keep an eye out for Evil Wizard BigBill. in future chapters. Chapter Two to follow soon

Veröffentlicht von johnluvsjapgirls
vor 6 Jahren
Zum Kommentieren bitte oder
Whoa, what a smokin hot story.
Mindblowing HOT story  - i hope, to read more of you...

i´m excited for part two!
I am so so happy you like my stories Patricia, I wish I had that wand for real you would be beside me now. Love you darling
Thank you - thank you - THANK YOU! This is so, so erotic and special! I am so very lucky for you! THANK YOU!!! Patricia